Proteus 7.5 es un simulador de circuitos electrónicos muy avanzado y con una librería muy extensa de componentes.
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DESCRIPCIÓN (en inglés)
Proteus VSM is a software for electronics.The new version 7.5 with service pack 3 is launched
What's New In Proteus Design Suite 7.5
The following summarises the main feature enhancements in the Version 7.5 release. New peripheral simulation models are detailed here whilst minor system enhancements and modifications are announced in the members area of the support forums.
ISIS and ARES Core Applications::
* Improved Library Search facility including the ability to search by library and stockcode and a filter to show only parts with simulation models.
* Ability to directly output library index properties e.g. Manufacturer (MFR), Stock/Order Code (CODE) and Description (DESC) in the Bill of Materials.
* Full, nominal density implementation of the IPC-7351 surface mount land pattern standard footprint libraries.
* Ability to specify a filename for the PCB Layout associated with a given schematic.
* Option to allow inner zones (zone nesting) in power plane generation.
* Support for rounded rectangle SMT pads and fiducials in PCB footprints.
* Increased visibility for power plane boundaries.
* Choice of database, CADCAM or temporary origins in the GotoXY command.
* Dimensions display on PCB package previews.
* Option to print each PCB layer on a seperate page.
Over 20,000 new Library Parts (most with models and digikey stockcodes)
* Chip Resistors - several tolerances and powers - from Panasonic and Yageo.
* Varistors from Littlefuse.
* Resistive Trimmers - single, 5, 11 & 12 turns from Bourns.
* Poly and thin film, Ceramic Multilayer, Mica RF, Aluminium and Tantalum capacitors from various manufacturers.
* Fixed, multilayer and tight tolerance RF inductors.
* Rectifier, Schottky, Switching, TVS, Varicap and Zener diodes.
* Diacs, SCR and Triacs switching devices.
Proteus VSM Additions
* Full Debugging support (source code stepping, breakpoints and variables display) for EasyHDL scriptable generators.
* Pre-defined SPICE option sets for standard defaults, improved convergence and improved accuracy.
* Display of elapsed time between pause/breakpoints allows easy measurement of code execution times.
* Automatic single stepping (step animation) with user defined time interval between steps.
Proteus VSM CPU Models: - Requires appropriate VSM licence
* more... ATMEGA169, ATMEGA169P, ATMEGA329, ATMEGA3290, ATMEGA329P, ATMEGA649, ATMEGA6490
* more... PIC16F818, PIC16F819
* more... PIC18F1230, PIC18F1330, PIC18F2480, PIC18F2580, PIC18F4480, PIC18F4580, PIC18F2585, PIC18F2680, PIC18F4585, PIC18F4680
* Proteus VSM for 8086 (new product) plus 8255, 8253, 8251, 8279
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martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009
Proteus 7.5: Simulador de circuitos electrónicos
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